The Government Property Office enables agencies to create more flexible, agile and collaborative working environments, supporting a unified Public Service.
The Government Property Office (GPO) is government's property system and functional lead.
Property decisions have influence well beyond the walls and desks of the workplace. They affect our productivity, how we connect citizens to government, contribute to our culture and communities, and impact our environment.
GPO's expertise and oversight guides these decisions, in collaboration with government agencies.
The nature of work and workplaces is rapidly changing. GPO enables agencies to adapt to this dynamic landscape, while optimising the performance and public value of the government's office portfolio.
Our functions include:
This site provides general guidance on government property matters, processes and standards. It also contains specific expectations for property mandated agencies to follow.
We work with mandated agencies to guide and support their:
GPO also has experts in workplace design and change management, who help agencies develop modern, efficient and inclusive workplaces.
Property Matters explores the future of government workplaces; keep you up to date with the work on the Government office accommodation programme; and other important updates from us.
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December 2024 – Property Matters
October 2024 – Property Matters
Cabinet minute setting out functional leadership of property [PDF, 40 KB] – Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Report Back: Mandate changes for the delivery of the Government Office Accommodation Programme [PDF, 2 MB] – Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment