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Property assurance

The property assurance team supports agencies to improve the effectiveness of government property operations and projects.

Role of property assurance

The Property Assurance team provides:

  • Independent and objective assurance to support agencies meet their objectives in delivering government property investments.
  • Ministers, Chief Executives and other key stakeholders with confidence that government property investments are managed effectively and are on track to deliver expected outcomes.
  • Stakeholders with strategic thought leadership, innovative solutions and value-added advice.

Benefits of property assurance

The benefits of property assurance include:

  • providing stakeholders with confidence (assurance) that property investments will deliver expected outcomes and benefits
  • risk minimisation and remediation
  • validating the completeness, reliability and integrity of information
  • ensuring decision-makers get transparent, timely and credible information
  • ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, standards, codes, internal policies and guidelines
  • assessing whether property assets are adequately managed and safeguarded
  • encouraging knowledge sharing and peer support.

Overview of property assurance

Property assurance enables agencies to make better property decisions. It is founded on a collaborative approach and aims to add value by building capability and providing agencies with system-wide intelligence.

Property assurance provides agencies with a range of strategies, frameworks, guiding principles, tools, templates and advice to effectively manage their property investments.

The Property Assurance team can support agencies with:

Project governance

Our team provides advice on fit-for-purpose project governance practices including governance structures, board composition, terms of reference and governance reporting.

Business case reviews

Our team provides advice to agencies on reviewing business cases against best practice. This may include:

  • testing risks, assumptions, issues and dependencies
  • reviewing all business case elements to form a comprehensive investment case
  • assessing the accuracy of statements made in the case
  • reviewing business case options and outputs
  • benefit realisation.

Project assurance plans

Our team can advise agencies on the development of project assurance plans which include recommended assurance pathways specific to each stage of a project’s lifecycle.

Project risk assessments

Our team can help agencies to ensure that project risk management processes are robust, project risk registers are complete and risk mitigations are appropriate.

Project health checks (Independent Quality Assurance)

These reviews are important for providing confidence to stakeholders that projects are being delivered on time, to cost and are in line with business case objectives. Our team can advise agencies on how to conduct project health checks.

Project performance reporting

Performance reports are a critical project management tool that can help stakeholders determine how well a project is tracking against business case objectives. Our team can advise agencies on the design and content of project performance reports (including key project metrics).

Standards and guidelines

Our team can provide advice to agencies on how to access, monitor and maintain compliance with relevant guidelines and standards, including:

  • building performance standards
  • office design standards and guidelines, including wayfinding and signage guidelines
  • lease management standards and guidelines
  • facilities and asset management guidelines
  • energy efficiency guidelines
  • seismic guidelines.

Advisory services

Our team supports agencies with a wide range of advisory services including:

strategic growth and transformation initiatives

  • project delivery
  • digital enablement
  • change management
  • assurance research, questionnaires and surveys
  • data analytics
  • risk minimisation and
  • process engineering and design.

If your agency is starting a property project or needs general assurance advice or support, contact the Property Assurance team.

Property assurance tools and resources

Property Portfolio, Programme and Project Assurance Framework

The framework supports agencies develop a fit-for-purpose assurance approach for their government property investments. For agencies planning a property project, the framework guides users through the project classification assessment, assurance planning process and provides a fit for purpose assurance approach.

Project Risk Framework

The framework provides a systematic and structured approach to integrating risk management into property operations and projects. It enables agencies to identify, assess, manage and, where necessary, escalate risks to inform decision-making.

Project Classification Assessment

The assessment tool enables agencies  to evaluate the risks and complexities of a property project. Each project is assigned one of four risk-based project tiers (considering project risks, value and profile) to determine a recommended assurance pathway. For projects with higher risk profile, the assurance pathway prescribes progressively greater levels of scrutiny.

Project Assurance Plan

The plan outlines the recommended assurance pathway for government property projects. The overarching objective of applying the project assurance plan is to ensure that the appropriate level of attention is given to projects as they are developed and delivered so that stakeholders can optimise expected outcomes.

Project Health Check Guidelines

The guideline provides agencies with an overview of the health check process during the lifecycle of a project. These reviews are important for providing confidence to key stakeholders that projects are being delivered on time, to cost and are in line with business case objectives.

For a copy of any of the above tools, resources and frameworks, contact the Property Assurance team.
