Log in with RealMe

To access the Procurement online service, you need a RealMe login. If you've used a RealMe login somewhere else, you can use it here too. If you don't already have a username and password, just select "Log in" and choose to create one.

What's RealMe?

To log in to this service you need a RealMe login.

This service uses RealMe login to secure and protect your personal information.

RealMe login is a service from the New Zealand government that includes a single login, letting you use one username and password to access a wide range of services online.

Find out more at www.realme.govt.nz.

Templates and resources

Government property templates and resources for use by mandated agencies.

The lease and co-location templates, as well as the space budgeting tool, are not publicly available. Email the Government Property Office team for access.

Government Property Portal

The Government Property Portal (GPP) is available to all mandated agencies and provides comprehensive functionality for managing leases, assets, facilities and space planning.

Using GPP is required for all mandated agencies. It allows agencies to easily maintain and report on space, assets, facilities and lease-related obligations, save on costs, and improve risk management practices.

Government property mandate

Government Property Portal

To find out if your agency has signed up already, email the GPO team.

Log in to the Government Property Portal

Lease templates

Once your approval has been confirmed, use the following templates to negotiate your lease.

More details on each of these templates and their purpose can be found on the lease templates page.

Lease templates for mandated agencies

Government Standard Development Agreement

Use the Government Standard Development Agreement (DA) template where a landlord is required to complete fit-out or refurbishment works of a major or complex nature. The DA records the intention of the landlord and the tenant to enter into a new lease once the landlord has completed the agreed landlord works, and the tenant has completed its own fit-out works to the premises.

Government Standard Agreement to Lease

Use the Government Standard Agreement to Lease (ATL) template where the building works required by either the landlord or the tenant are of a minor and/or less complex nature. The ATL may also be redrafted to be used in circumstances where little or no building works are required, but the parties need to record their agreement to enter into a new lease at a future date.

Government Standard Deed of Lease – Complex

Use the Government Standard Deed of Lease – Complex (Gross) template where:

  • an agency is entering into a lease of the whole or a substantial part of a large or complicated building (or complex of buildings) for a lengthy fixed period or
  • the premises are of particular strategic importance to the tenant (for example, head office accommodation for a large or essential government entity, or premises where security is particularly important).

Government Standard Deed of Lease – Less Complex

Use the Government Standard Deed of Lease – Less Complex (Gross) template where the tenant is taking a lease of smaller premises, or a straightforward or less strategically important building.

Co-location templates

Agencies looking to enter into a co-location should follow our comprehensive guidance on co-location before using these templates.


Memorandum of Understanding

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is put in place once the project is confirmed, but ideally before agencies go to market to find a site. It ends when the co-location agreement is signed, or the project is dissolved without entering into a lease.

Government standard co-location agreement

Use this template when there is a need to govern the relationship between agencies or departments co-locating within leased premises owned by a private landlord. The co-location agreement is drafted on the basis that each agency or department has its own working area, and jointly uses and shares common areas.

Space planning tool

This tool can be helpful for planning co-location projects, workplace fit-out projects, or the needs of your property portfolio in the longer term. The tool uses simple inputs like headcount to generate a high-level report on the space required and quantities of facilities and amenities.

Facilities management obligations template

This template can be helpful with facilities management planning. For more information on what that process entails, see the planning page.

Facilities management planning
