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Government Office Accommodation Programme

The Government Office Accommodation Programme was developed to drive a more organised and coordinated focus for government property.

The Government Office Accommodation Programme (GOAP) was developed to drive a more organised and coordinated focus for government property. GOAP supports:

  • a drive towards regional growth
  • the changing nature of workspaces; moving towards becoming more agile, responsive, and resilient
  • a standardised approach to fit-out and design.

How the programme works

GOAP aims to anticipate accommodation options and opportunities in advance.

We use existing property data and information to design and plan the implementation of the programme, and the individual property projects.

It relies on close collaboration between agencies and Government Property Office (GPO). When agencies engage with us early, it allows us to explore market opportunities when considering future office accommodation requirements.

The programme is the subject of a programme business case, which is being finalised.

Expected outcomes

GOAP aims to deliver the government expectations for the future of government office accommodation, including:

A citizen and community focus

  • Government office accommodation focused on the delivery of services to citizens in metro and regional areas.
  • Simplified and streamlined access for people to interact with government agencies.
  • Where possible, accommodation integration with local and regional agencies, in order to support regional growth initiatives and provide resilience.

More collaboration between agencies

  • Public sector agencies working together better through co-location and joined up services.
  • Agencies co-located based on functional and sector alignment.
  • A fit-out and design style that provides consistency across all government agencies.
  • New Zealand Government branded offices, with agency specific branding as appropriate to maintain cultural identity.

Workplaces that value people

  • Contemporary workplaces that are safe, secure and that support a modern mobile workforce.
  • Designed to integrate technology and modern management practices, and become great places to work.
  • Workplaces that embrace local and regional cultures, including tīkanga Māori.
  • Building fit-outs and designs measured for sustainability and energy efficiency.
  • Consideration of physical security and safety needs.

Value for money

  • Continue the drive for efficiency through reduction in space requirements and standardised fit-out, with a long term focus on reducing ongoing operating costs.
  • Quality standards linked to the delivery of services to citizens and communities.

Key projects in the Government Office Accommodation Programme

Through GOAP, the Government Property Office is leading the planning and delivery of office accommodation projects – or hubs – that see agencies co-locating in cities and regions throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. This 20-year programme is expected to:

  • enable greater collaborative working across agencies
  • support greater flexibility of workplace for public servants, now and in the future
  • increase the resilience of the government office accommodation portfolio
  • provide economic benefits at the regional and local level
  • reduce the traffic congestion and carbon emissions associated with public servants commuting
  • provide agencies with tangible business and operational benefits.

Current projects

Programme governance

The Chief Executive of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is the Property Functional Leader and System Leader for Property for government office accommodation.

They are supported by a chief executives group in setting the strategic direction of the programme. A steering group directs activity on the Government Office Accommodation Programme, and provides oversight of property projects.

Contact us

For more information email the Government Property Office team.
